Leggi z Lintichu

 Date of Birth: 
 SVV 1, IPO 2,SchH 1, BH 
 5JX5/5,5 P, I.tr. 
 Ch + Jarmila Huľová 
 Hamuljakova 141/21 
 02901 Námestovo 
 phone: +421 911 796 633 
 e-mail: milanhulo@orava.sk 
 Ivan Kočajda Mgr. 
 Radvanská 25 
 97401 B. Bystrica 
 Visum von Arminius / 2 - 3 / 

The larger, moderate, very good type and expression, even a good size, balanced chest proportions, very good top and bottom line both sides very well angulated, very good location and length of croup, free movement, spacious.

Recommendations for breeding: to improve the structure, type and expression.

Kormeister: Mlynarčík Milan  SVK

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